You may have heard about solar power from a friend, on TV, or maybe your neighbors got solar panels during COVID.

  1. In 2020 solar power experienced a 37% growth in the United States.
  2. According to SEIA, 42% more solar power installed 2021 and 2025!
  3. Research piloted during the pandemic revealed incredible growth projection for the market over the next 18 months.
  4. According to, Global renewable energy market growth from $184.3 billion in 2020 to $226.1 billion by 2021, with solar leading the way.

The reasons for rapid growth:

  • Homeowners who switch to solar power are saving thousands in electricity costs every year by choosing to produce their own. Southern California homeowners return on investment is usually 4 – 7 years and over 20% ROI.
  • Flexible financing: Financing for your PV solar system is easier than ever, with low interest rates and shorter terms
  • Increased property value: In 2020 you can still take advantage of the 26% Federal Tax Credit on the entire cost of your PV solar system. But is scheduled to drop to 22% by 2023!
  • Cost of installing solar panels has drastically decreased over the past 15 years.


There has never been a better time to go solar than now, so contact us today! Call 1-760-504-0388